Exhibited: 3rd February- 28th May 2017
Location: Skovgaard Museum, Denmark
Seven Deadly Sins; Rebecca Louise Law, Barbara Kruger, Jenny Holzer and other internationally renowned and iconic artists came together in a collaboration by seven Danish art museums. The seven museums each presented one of the seven deadly sins in a unique and ambitious co-operative project to honour Aarhus as Capital of Culture 2017.
‘Pride’ is Law’s response to the project; a solo exhibition at Skovgaard Museet, a historic museum in Viborg, which showcased a hanging installation created with the assistance of local volunteers, alongside a series of prints and encased sculptures.
The exhibition catalogue can be downloaded here
“Law’s transitory and fragile installations remind us that pride goes before a fall. They comment the passing of time, the definition of beauty, and how there is a time for everything. Her exhibition also presents nature in a human context, brings nature into an urban setting in a world that is becoming ever more removed from nature; a world that is increasingly virtual, polluted, with hardly any places left untouched by human activity.”
- Anne-Mette Villumsen, Museum Director
behind the scenes